On 1st and 2nd July 2020, the 3beLiEVe consortium held its first General Assembly meeting since the project kick-off. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic situation, like so many other events, 3beLiEVe opted to hold the meeting in an online format. We tried to strike a balance between focused, succinct information flow and enough space for discussion and exchange. To do this, we aimed to convey the most important updates from active work packages in a compact way, and to spend more discussion time on current topics and questions in the form of two online workshops.
While this worked reasonably well on the whole, we did find that some of the more complex subjects from the workshops would have greatly benefited from a face-to-face setting to allow the discussion to unfold more fully. Again, like many others, we hope that we will be able to meet in-person at least for the next General Assembly in six months’ time – fingers crossed. In the meantime, we wish you all to remain healthy and well!